Exercises to slim the abdomen and sides

before and after exercise to slim the sides and abdomen

The sides and abdomen most often cause complaints - these zones acquire unnecessary amounts on dietary violations.

They try to get rid of layers of fat in these places, as they ruin the appearance, cause significant discomfort, and interfere with the wearing of tight clothing. Diet alone is not enough to get rid of lipids. Exercise and physical activity are needed to lose weight on the abdomen and sides. Continuous exercise will help not only improve your appearance, but also overcome health problems. Also, exercises to slim the abdomen and sides will help fix the problem quickly, but this is not an independent solution.

Fighting excess weight helps get rid of many psychological complexes. The quality of life of people with normal weight is much higher.

Useful information

Often, we are indebted to the fatty tissue that accumulates there due to the relaxation of the abdomen and thighs. More rarely, this phenomenon is due to muscle weakness and loss of skin color (this condition is most often observed after childbirth). In some cases, the two causes are combined (fat and flabby). Exercise is one of the steps to tighten problem areas. Want to lose weight, you should pay attention to food nutrition without fail. Massages and body wraps are an extra step.


It’s important to remember that strength training builds muscle well, but burns fat quite slowly. Cardio load, on the other hand, has a general effect on the body, as it actively burns the fat layer (oxygen is a kind of catalyst for this process). Therefore, exercises aimed at losing weight on the abdomen and sides should be varied. As a cardio workout, you can practice jogging in the morning. If unable to train in the fresh air, then the treadmill will save yourself (you can use other cardiovascular equipment - orbitrek, exercise bike). A good load is produced through training with a jump rope or with a hoop. The best results are obtained with interval training, in which 2-4 minutes of work at a normal rate alternating with one minute of intensive activity.

When compiling a set of strength exercises, it is important to remember that muscles quickly adapt to a certain load, therefore, repeating the same set of exercises from day to day, you will not achieve significant results (it is recommended to change the program). In addition, you can not just pay attention to exercises that act on specific muscle groups - it is recommended to do general strength exercises that speed up metabolism. Such exercises can be incorporated into a general complex, or you can observe them separately. And remember that not only training with weights is called strength training, but also the superficial pumping of the press.

Training scheme

Experts believe that daily strength training is not necessary. To lose weight faster in problem areas, it makes sense to adhere to this scheme: day No. 1, no. 4 - strength training, day No. 2, no. 5 - cardio, day No. 3, no. 6, No 7 - break. This is an average scheme, you can get more accurate recommendations from your trainer.

Before starting a weight loss program, it is recommended to do measurements and weigh yourself. There is nothing wrong with keeping a diary, entering data on nutrition and exercise there. This will allow you to customize the program, increasing its effectiveness. You can’t expect immediate results - the stomach and sides won’t tighten right away.

Strength training

Perform each movement at least 8-10 times. Gradually the number of repetitions becomes 20-30 times. Several approaches are recommended. Before exercising, be sure to knead your body, and when done, do stretching.

Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly, press your feet to the floor. Spread your arms to the sides. Slowly pull the knees toward your chest (as you exhale), bend the legs more and lift your pelvis off the floor, and then return to the PI (do not place your feet on the floor).

Repeat the previous exercise, but now increase the amplitude - at the end point of the movement, the knees should be on top of the face.

Lying on the floor, cross your legs as in a lotus position (knees to the side, ankles crossed). Press your palms to the back of your head. Lift your shoulders off the floor.

Repeat the previous exercise, but change the position of your legs - bend at the knees and place your feet on the floor (in this position, other muscle groups are being worked).

Lie down next to you. Stretch the hand that turns out to be down in front of you, and place your palms on the back of your head. Try to lift your upper body and one leg at the same time. If the movement is easy, make it harder - lift with the elbows and lift both legs (opponent's movement). Return to SP, do not put your feet on the floor. Work both sides. For starters, this exercise may seem difficult, so it is recommended to start with simple options.

Same SP, change a little exercise. Now, lift your legs off the floor, bend the knees and extend the elbows towards them (the trajectory of the movement changes slightly, respectively, the other muscles enter the work).

Lying on your back, place your palms on the back of your head. Lower your bent leg at the knee to one side. Lift your upper back off the floor (chest up). Work both sides.

Lie on your stomach. Stretch your arms forward. Lift only the top of the housing first. After a series of repetitions, start lifting the bottom only. After completing a few repetitions, start lifting both the top and bottom at the same time. After that, work diagonally - simultaneously lift your right arm and left leg and vice versa. In conclusion, lift "up" and "down" at the same time and hold the muscle tension for 15-30 seconds (repeat 2-3 times). Remember to take a break between workouts (30 seconds is enough). Don’t think that the above movements are designed only for the back - they can move the abdominal muscles perfectly, forcing them to withstand tension (the advantage is that tense muscles are different than with direct loads).

Stand up, bend forward and place your palms on the floor. Pull the abdomen up and straighten the buttocks. Stand this way for a while, holding the muscle tension. Maintaining this position, start "walking" in place, bending and flexing your knees.

SP same. Alternately move your hands ("walk" with them), gradually taking a push-up-like body position off the floor. Then start the reverse movement and return to the PI.


Strength training to lose weight on the abdomen and sides is very effective - it’s just important to do it regularly, and not from time to time. Do not forget about cardio load - significantly speeds up the process of losing weight.